Demolition & Renovation


In October 2018 we purchased the vacated Sandy’s 7-11 convenience store & pump station with the idea of building a liquor store focused on the culture and craft of excellent alcohol. Soon we realized that this location held a place in folks’ hearts from its heyday.  Locals in the county stop-in all the time to recount their fond memories of the store of their youth...after-school pinball, frito pie, big pickles.

Here we are a year ½ later.  A full TCEQ remediation of pumps and tanks, a roof that doesn’t leak, a brand spankin’ new compressor for the beer cooler, stunning custom windows & doors, and a bitchin re-opening of the drive-thru!

Cactus Liquors has grown day by day, with the kind help of friends and family, into a full grown beer, wine & spirits shoppe.  Keep your eyes open because we have a lot more ideas and there’s much more to witness.


Local Flowers & Produce


Plz Pandemic Responsibly